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Common Eye Conditions

Corneal Neovascularization

Corneal neovascularization is a condition that results when the blood vessels of the eye do not receive a proper amount of oxygen and begin to grow into the cornea in a desperate attempt to supply it with oxygen and nutrients. This condition most commonly results from prolonged contact lens wear.

Symptoms of neovascularization include redness around the cornea, eye pain, light sensitivity, and discomfort when wearing contact lenses even after only a few hours.

If left untreated, this condition can cause permanent contact lens intolerance, and even loss of vision. Most patients suffering from corneal neovascularization are fitted with lenses made from high oxygen transmissibility materials to increase oxygen flow.

At our Brampton optometry practice, we carry a variety of hydrogel breathable contact lenses which can help prevent corneal neovascularization. Give us a call toll-free at 905-457-4700 to make an appointment.