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Eye Exams & Services at iSmile Optometry

Diagnose and Treat Eye Conditions by Digitally Examining the Eye’s Retina with Digital Fundus Imaging

Digital Fundus Imaging with 3D OCT and Optomap is a non-invasive procedure that allows our optometrists to examine and photograph the inside and back of your eye, including the retina and the optic nerve.

This is a very useful and precise tool, as even minute changes to the retina are very important in the diagnosis and treatment of eye conditions, and allows our optometrist to compare images and mark changes over time.

If you’d like to find out more about digital fundus imaging, feel free to call us at 905-457-4700, or stop by our office at iSmile Optometry Centre. Our skilled optometrists in Brampton will be pleased to answer your questions.