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Eye Exams & Services at iSmile Optometry

Detect Eye Diseases with World Class 3D OCT Retinal Imaging and Optomap Technology at Our Optometry Centre in Brampton

Three dimensional OCT retinal imaging is a procedure used to assess your retina and the inside of your eye.


3D OCT imaging allows our optometrists to photograph your retina and map important and comprehensive information including retinal thickness and thickness of the nerve fiber layer, and provides measurements of the optic nerve. This cutting edge technology allows for the early detection and diagnosis of potentially serious ocular diseases and gives optometrists a larger and more accurate view of the back of the retina than conventional equipment can offer.

We also offer Optomap ultrawide digital retinal imaging that takes a 200 degree retinal scan to further give the optometrists more information about the eyes.

To learn more about 3D retinal imaging and Optomap, or to book your appointment, call our brampton optometrists toll-free at 905-457-4700 today.